NR 716.15(3)(g) (g) A discussion of the contaminants and impacts on each environmental medium.
NR 716.15(3)(h) (h) Interpretations of the data generated at the site or facility sufficient to characterize the geologic and hydrogeologic characteristics of the site or facility, the areal and vertical degree and extent of hazardous substances in all environmental media, and the impacts of the contamination to all potential receptors.
NR 716.15(3)(i) (i) The hydraulic conductivity of materials where contaminated groundwater is found.
NR 716.15(4) (4) Visual aids. The site investigation report shall include all maps, figures, tables, graphs, photographs, and completed forms that are necessary to clarify and support results and interpretations. Visual aids shall present information in legible formats, shall be referenced in the report text, and shall meet all of the following requirements:
NR 716.15(4)(a) (a) General Requirements. Maps, plan sheets, drawings, cross sections and fence diagrams shall:
NR 716.15(4)(a)1. 1. Be of appropriate scale to show all required details with sufficient clarity.
NR 716.15(4)(a)2. 2. Have a figure number, title, north arrow, and legend of all symbols used, contain graphic horizontal and vertical scales, specify drafting or origination dates, and indicate the source if not an original design.
NR 716.15 Note Note: The source means the company or name of the original preparer of the visual aid.
NR 716.15(4)(a)3. 3. Use national geodetic survey data as the basis for all elevations.
NR 716.15(4)(a)4. 4. Use a distinguishing symbol, such as a dashed line or question mark, to depict inferred or questionable data.
NR 716.15(4)(b) (b) Water table and potentiometric surface maps. For water table maps and potentiometric surface maps, depict water level elevations measured on the same day, indicate the date of measurement on the map, and indicate apparent flow direction.
NR 716.15(4)(b)1. 1. For sites or facilities with 3 or more water table observation wells, include a map depicting the elevation of the water table and the apparent direction of groundwater flow, with additional water table maps as necessary to depict significant variations in water table elevation or groundwater flow direction.
NR 716.15(4)(b)2. 2. For potentiometric surface maps, additionally depict measurements taken from piezometers with similar screen lengths that intersect the same geologic zone and depth, and indicate any vertical gradients as well as the location and type of any confining layers. For sites with 3 or more piezometers, include a potentiometric surface map, with the apparent direction of groundwater flow, with additional potentiometric maps as necessary to depict significant variation in levels or flow direction.
NR 716.15(4)(c) (c) Isoconcentration maps. For isoconcentration maps, depict the hazardous substances, concentrations, the environmental medium, the date measured and the unit of measurement. Submit isoconcentration maps of hazardous substance concentrations in each environmental medium, as appropriate to the scope and complexity of the site and where sufficient data are available to estimate meaningful isoconcentrations. For groundwater, use the appropriate groundwater elevation map as the base map.
NR 716.15(4)(d) (d) Cross sections. For sites or facilities with 2 or more soil borings, include one or more geologic cross sections.
NR 716.15(4)(d)1. 1. Cross sections shall include a reduced inset diagram of the site layout map indicating the location of the cross section transect, and shall indicate the dates of measurements, stratigraphy, screened intervals of monitoring wells, and water table surface.
NR 716.15(4)(d)2. 2. Include the locations of any confining units; the contaminant source location, vertical and horizontal extent of contamination in both soil and groundwater, and highest and lowest water table and piezometric elevations and screen lengths, as applicable.
NR 716.15(4)(e) (e) Tables. Tables shall meet all of the following requirements:
NR 716.15(4)(e)1. 1. Include a table number, title and an explanation of any footnotes marked in the body of the table.
NR 716.15(4)(e)2. 2. Include units of measurement when displaying measured data. When an environmental standard exists for the contaminant, the unit of measurement shall be the same as that used by the department to express the environmental standard.
NR 716.15(4)(e)3. 3. Indicate measurement or sample collection date when displaying measured data or data derived from sampling.
NR 716.15(4)(e)4. 4. Indicate which results equal or exceed environmental standards when displaying analytical results of tests on environmental media for which standards exist.
NR 716.15(4)(e)5. 5. Indicate depth and soil type for soil sample summary tables.
NR 716.15(4)(e)6. 6. For groundwater elevation tables, indicate each well's top and bottom screen elevation.
NR 716.15(4)(f) (f) Photographs. Photographs shall be in color, of sufficient size to clearly represent the purpose of the photograph, and shall be labeled by the date, orientation and topic.
NR 716.15(4)(g) (g) Well and borehole documentation. All forms shall be completed in accordance with the directions for the applicable form. All of the following department forms, shall be used, where applicable to the site or facility:
NR 716.15(4)(g)1. 1. 4400–89, groundwater monitoring well information.
NR 716.15(4)(g)2. 2. 4400–113A, monitoring well construction.
NR 716.15(4)(g)3. 3. 4400–113B, monitoring well development.
NR 716.15(4)(g)4. 4. 4400–122, soil boring log information.
NR 716.15(4)(g)5. 5. 3300–5B, well/drillhole/borehole abandonment.
NR 716.15(4)(h) (h) Well construction permits. Any department of transportation well construction permit for a well, constructed in a right-of-way, shall be submitted with the well construction form.
NR 716.15(5) (5) Deed and locational information. All of the following information shall be included in the site investigation report for each property within or partially within the contaminated site boundaries:
NR 716.15(5)(a) (a) A copy of the most recent deed, which includes the legal description.
NR 716.15(5)(b) (b) A copy of the certified survey map or the relevant portion of the recorded plat map for those properties where the legal description in the most recent deed refers to a certified survey map or a recorded plat map.
NR 716.15(5)(c) (c) The parcel identification numbers for each property.
NR 716.15(5)(d) (d) Geographic position. All geographic position data shall be obtained and submitted to the department in the site investigation report in accordance with the following requirements:
NR 716.15(5)(d)1. 1. `Format.' For properties that are not more than 200 feet wide or long, a single point geographic position shall be obtained at least 40 feet within the boundaries of the property, or as close to the center of the property as possible if the property is less than 80 feet wide or long. For properties that are more than 200 feet wide or long, coordinates describing the approximate location of the property's boundaries, forming a polygon, shall be obtained.
NR 716.15(5)(d)2. 2. `Coordinate system.' Geographic position data shall be originally collected in Wisconsin Transverse Mercator `91 or projected onto Wisconsin Transverse Mercator `91.
NR 716.15 Note Note: Information about the Wisconsin Transverse Mercator '91 projection is available on the internet at
NR 716.15(5)(d)3. 3. `Acceptable methods.' Acceptable methods for obtaining geographic position data include direct location or interpolation from other features on a base map of 1:24000 scale or finer, differentially corrected global positioning system data, or other methods capable of similar or superior accuracy that have been approved by the department.
NR 716.15(5)(d)4. 4. `Required information.' The following information is required for all properties: the name of the county where the property is located, the collection method used, and the scale or resolution of original source of geographic position for on–screen digitizing.
NR 716.15(6) (6) Conclusions and recommendations. The site investigation report shall include a summary of the results from the site investigation, and recommendations for further response actions necessary to protect public health, safety, and welfare and the environment, and to meet the requirements of chs. NR 700 to 726.
NR 716.15 History History: Cr. Register, April, 1994, No. 460, eff. 5-1-94; r. and recr. (1), r. (2), renum. (3) to be (2), Register, April, 1995, No. 472, eff. 5-1-95; emerg. am. (1), cr. (2) (g) 9., eff. 5-18-00; r. and recr. (1), cr. (2) (g) 9., Register, January, 2001, No. 541, eff. 2-1-01; CR 00-111: renum. (2) (j) to be (2) (L) and cr. (2) (d) 7., (j), and (k), Register October 2001 No. 550, eff. 11-1-01; CR 12-023: r. and recr. Register October No. 694, eff. 11-1-13.
NR 716.17 NR 716.17Additional requirements.
NR 716.17(1)(1)When warranted by the complexity of the site or facility or the severity of the actual or potential environmental or public health impacts which may be caused by the contamination, the department may impose additional site investigation requirements upon responsible parties beyond those specifically described in this chapter. The department shall communicate any additional investigation requirements to the responsible parties in writing and shall explain why the additional requirements are needed.
NR 716.17(2) (2)The department may require that treatability studies be conducted as part of the site investigation, where appropriate for the purpose of demonstrating that an interim action or remedial option will meet the remedy selection criteria in ch. NR 708 or 722.
NR 716.17(3) (3)When a site investigation conducted under this chapter indicates that an immediate, interim or remedial action is necessary, the responsible parties shall identify, evaluate and select an immediate or interim action in accordance with ch. NR 708 or a remedial action in accordance with ch. NR 722.
NR 716.17(4) (4)When a site investigation conducted under this chapter indicates that, based on the criteria in s. NR 726.05, no further action is necessary to protect public health, safety, or welfare or the environment, the responsible parties may request that the department close the case in accordance with ch. NR 726.
NR 716.17 History History: Cr. Register, April, 1994, No. 460, eff. 5-1-94; am. (2) and (3), Register, April, 1995, No. 472, eff. 5-1-95; CR 12-023: am. (4) Register October No. 694, eff. 11-1-13.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.